**FREE SHIPPING** Laydown Hen/Jake Combo Turkey Decoys - Eastern by Greenhead Gear GHG

**SALE** Normally $150, NOW $129.95 PLUS FREE SHIPPING!
Manufacturer: Avery GreenHead Gear


Laydown Hen/Jake Combo

Turkey Decoys - Eastern

by Greenhead Gear GHG

Older Gobblers can't stand the thought of a Jake breeding a hen in their territory. The turkey combo pack is just that, a replication of a young Tom moving in on a ready hen. Watch the Big Boy run in to send that Jake packing!


This decoy simulates a hen ready to breed to bring gobblers on the run. Used in conjunction with a Jake decoy, older toms won’t be able to stand a young bird moving in on a breeding hen.

  • Flexible EVA construction
  • Breeding posture
  • Carry Bag Included


Jake is the name for a first year gobbler. These young toms have male instincts without the size and strength of older birds. They pose a threat to breed hens that triggers the dominant territorial instinct of big gobblers.

  • Flexible EVA construction
  • Breeding postures
  • Half-strut Jake complete with fabric fan

This Eastern Laydown Hen/Jake Combo Turkey Decoys by Greenhead Gear will help you be more successful this season in bringing in that old Tom!