FlockSox Fully Flocked Canada Goose Flapper (SS1555) by Sillosock Decoys

This Black and White Flyer can be seen from long distances.
Manufacturer: SilloSock Decoys


Fully Flocked Black Canada Goose Flapping Flyer (SS1555)

by Sillosock Decoys

FLOCKSOX flocked Canada flapper is a fully flocked waterfowl motion decoy. The flocking simulate the effect of real feathers. 

You can see these decoys from MILES away. 5x more visible than standard flappers.

Birds do not look at the detail of a flyer they look at the shape and the movement. Get some attention. Our  Our flocked Canada is a great way to add motion to your decoy spread.


Waterfowlers across the nation have experienced amazing results using black and white spreads. The extreme contrast demands attention and draws birds from miles away! Fully Flocked head neck and body will not shine UV reflective v-tail and cheek patch.

This FlockSox Fully Flocked Canada Goose Flapper (SS1555) by Sillosock Decoys will help you kill more geese!