Double Down Stake System for Sillosocks Flyers

New Style for this year!
Manufacturer: Prairiewind Decoys

Double Down Stake System

for Sillosocks Flyers

This New Double Down Stake System pivots side to side and well as bouncing up and down!


No motors!   Wind activated.   Fly 2 sillosocks Flyers(not included)


This stake system offers you two advantages, Movement and Concealment. Movement in the spread is key to your success. The Flapping Flyer by Sillosocks is perfect for this system. This Stake allows you to fly two Flapping Flyers. The two Flyers are mounted in the stake one above the other simulating Geese or Ducks dropping into the flock. Concealment is increased by placing these stakes close to and around the blinds. This system comes complete with all poles and hardware just add two of your favorite Flapping Flyers . It may benefit you to spray paint the poles a preferred camouflage color to match the area your hunting.


To assemble, put the two 4 foot 3/8 Fiberglass Poles together.   This gives you an 8 foot pole. Mount your decoy to the 3/8 to 1/4 adapter on the end of the now 8 foot 3/8 Fiberglass pole. The longer 3/8 pole is to be placed into the highest receiver on the stake. Install the 4 foot 1/4 or smaller fiberglass pole in the lower receiver on the stake. Add your Flyer to the 1/4 pole and you are ready.

 The Double Down Stake System Base has bearings that when the high and low poles somewhat fight each other in the wind and create a realistic side to side up and down and around motion like Real Birds.

This double down stake system for Sillosocks Flyers is great to have on the shooting line to conceal hunters! 

It also looks good set out all by itself.

It comes with two poles.  A 4 footer and and 8 footer.

This is a very solid set-up.

Picture of
Availability: Out of Stock - on backorder and will be dispatched once in stock.
£27.42 (GBP)
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